Lenten Luncheons
GSLC will be holding a casual luncheon of soup and bread with discussion, crafts, and casual communion. Sign-up is available.

Book Club
We meet via zoom at 6:30pm. The book we will be discussing on March 11th is, “The Echo of Old Books” by Barbara Davis. Contact Annette.

Community Breakfast
Please join us for our monthly community breakfast! All are welcome! If you have a dish you’d like to share, a sign up sheet is posted in the church hallway.

Tuesday Book Study
We meet in the Redman Room at 11:00am. We are studying the book of Hebrews. The Rev. Warren Grier leads the study.

Game Night
Join us for our monthly game night! All ages welcome. Bring a snack or drink to share and maybe a game that you enjoy and are willing to teach others. If you can’t make it this month, be sure to mark your calendars for the last Friday of every month, and we will see you next time!

Adult Evening Bible Study
A study of the book of Romans. Alternating Thursdays, 6:30pm at Pastor’s home.

Quilting for Lutheran World Relief
Meet in Founders Hall on Mondays from 9:30am-11:00am. All are welcome no matter what your level of sewing/quilting experience.

Community Breakfast
Please join us for our monthly community breakfast! All are welcome! If you have a dish you’d like to share, a sign up sheet is posted in the church hallway.

Game Night
Join us for our monthly game night! All ages welcome. Bring a snack or drink to share and maybe a game that you enjoy and are willing to teach others. If you can’t make it this month, be sure to mark your calendars for the last Friday of every month, and we will see you next time!

Community Breakfast
Please join us for our monthly community breakfast! All are welcome! If you have a dish you’d like to share, a sign up sheet is posted in the church hallway.

Greening of the Church
Please join us as we decorate our sacred space for Christmas! We will also be having an Intergenerational crafting event during coffee hour. Please stay and help make crafts and decorate the church!

Community Breakfast
Please join us for our monthly community breakfast! All are welcome! If you have a dish you’d like to share, a sign up sheet is posted in the church hallway.

Cookie Exchange During Coffee Hour
Bring your favorite holiday cookies to share! Please bake at least 2 dozen to “share” with each other during coffee hour.
We will also be stuffing stockings for Bowdoin students during finals week. We will be stuffing, “One for you and one to share!” Gifts for a total of 24 bags are needed if you’d like to contribute.

Community Breakfast
Please join us for our FREE monthly Community Breakfast which features good food, good friends and great conversation (and lots of coffee). All are welcome!

Women's Bible Study and Lunch
Come join us for a study on the Holy Spirit and for lunch!

Community Breakfast
Please join us for our FREE monthly Community Breakfast which features good food, good friends and great conversation (and lots of coffee). All are welcome!

Boondocking and Game Night
We are going to do this differently this month. We will be joining our campers and “tenters” in the church parking lot. Bring a favorite snack to share for an evening of Cards and Board Games. Have a favorite game? Bring it with you to share and play around a camp fire!

Community Breakfast
Please join us for our monthly Community Breakfast which features good food, good friends and great conversation (and lots of coffee). All are welcome!
Craft and Company
Let’s Play in the dirt! Learn to make a terrarium. Plus, seed packets will be made available for those wanting to start seeds.

Easter Worship Service
Our joyous celebration of the Resurrection of Christ begins at 9:00 am. Please join us. All are welcome!

Good Friday Worship Service
Good Friday is the second of the Great Three Days leading up to Easter. The worship service includes the reading of the Passion Narrative from John’s Gospel and the service of Tennebrae, the Latin word for darkness, which visually reminds us of the death and entombment of Jesus. It is a somber but dramatic look at the crucifixion of Jesus. All are welcome.

Maundy Thursday Worship Service
This is the first of the Great Three Days leading up to Easter. Maundy is from the Latin word meaning commandment. Join us in worship as we hear Jesus’ command that we love one another. Holy Communion is a major part of this service and all are welcome to join us!

Holy Week Begins
Worship begins with the celebration of Palm Sunday, the day in the church year that celebrates the “Triumphal Entry” of Jesus into Jerusalem. The week progresses with Maundy Thursday and Good Friday. It ends on Easter Sunday, the day of victory for the church! All are welcome!